Oct 12, 2011

The Musicians Wife

Yep...that would be me!!!

When I met Jimmy, I knew he was a musician.  I didn't know exactly what that meant since I had never dated one before, nor had I ever dated a white, long haired rocker.  Boy did I have a wake up call coming! 

Before I continue, let me introduce you...this is Jimmy.

He is talented as hell, and in about a BAGILLION (no exaggeration) bands.  This was simple and easy before we were married, before our baby boy came along (note we both had kids coming into this but they were older).  We had our son 4 years after dating, once that happened, it was a whole new world.   Long gone were the nights out "hanging" with the band, the drinking, the spontaneous movies or trips....even dining out was a different experience.

I AM happy, let me say that right out front.  It's not at all easy and I do believe that it takes a special woman to deal with this type of lifestyle.  If you're jealous, insecure or clingy...this is NOT for you.  In the words of Iron Maiden RUN TO THE HILLS!  Find yourself a nice banker or accountant and call it a day.  For me, I had already been a pretty independent, single mother so it wasn't a big stretch for me but it did take some adjustments after our baby was born. 

I guess you can take this blog as a bit of an information session.  If you're dating a musician or thinking of dating one make sure you understand what it will take;

*Musicians are on the road - you cannot be a stage five clinger!
*Musicians have "fans", a lot of these are female.   You have to trust your man or YOU will go crazy.
*You have to have your own life, hobbies, interests & friends
*You have to know how to handle things at home (top to bottom)
*You cannot be everywhere all the time with them
*Most of all, you have to be patient.....VERY patient.

There is a lot more to it, but those are some good starting basics.   Don't get me wrong, it can be pretty cool. I've seen parts of the world that I never thought I would see, I've met cool people and seen some awesome shows!  It has it upsides for sure.  BUT it can be lonely.  My husband is gone sometimes 4 to 5 days  a week with practices and shows.  Sometimes he's gone for days at out of state (or country) shows.

I have always said that he is one of the most talented people I know.  I know that he should be a rockstar in his own right, but the music industry is not easy.   Sometimes it's not about what you can do but who you know...which is very unfortunate for the really talented people out there.  

Lately, Jimmy has gotten some of the validation that I knew he deserved all along.  I am hoping and praying that something big happens for him.   I know that will mean less of him for me, but I love him and there is nothing like seeing someone do what is their true passion in life.

I love you baby, good luck!!!

ps: if you want to check out some awesome bands click on these links



Oct 7, 2011

Pondering Life

So this week we learned of the early and unfortunate passing of Steve Jobs.  I will admit I do not own any Apple products but I did work on a Mac years ago.

However, years ago I read at article about Mr. Jobs.  It included pictures of his home.

It was pretty much empty.

That image stuck in my head over the years.   This man is worth BILLIONS of dollars, yet you wouldn't know it looking at him.  Steve in his mock turtleneck, jeans and tennis shoes.  There was nothing pretentious about him, he didn't use his money to order people around.  He didn't buy and flaunt ridiculous things...and if he did, we never heard about it.

What we did hear about was his drive, his genius, his vision.  He was a perfectionist to the highest degree and he expected no less from those that worked for him.  He was a true example of loving what you do.  The proof?  He was GREAT at it and out of it he created an empire.  Not bad for an adopted child and college drop out.

Passion is key.  If you don't have passion or love for what you're doing, you'll never be successful.  I truly believe that.   Sometimes that takes big risks and I will admit I am scared of taking risks....hence I work for someone else.

I am a perpetual student, I love the feel of going to class.  I can feel the information absorbing into my brain.  Will I ever graduate?  I will say yes, but it may take me some time.  I truly, honestly am deterred by all of the seemingly unnecessary classes that I have to get through before I can get to what I truly love and want to learn.

I will hope that my children will follow their dreams.  I know my husband and I have offered them any help that they need.  I have told my oldest to take risks, to travel, to do what he loves.  It's something I haven't been able to truly experience yet, but I know when I do I will KICK SOME SERIOUS A@!

Steve thank you for the mark you made on this world.  Your example has inspired many.  Your story is proof that even with the most chaotic beginnings, you can be successful.  Hey, I can vouch for that.  I was a 16 year old, single, teen mother.  I chose a very hard road.  BUT I fought, I struggled, I pushed ahead.   I refused to be a statistic.  I refused to sit back and give up.

We should all live life not with the goal of material items.  We should strive to create a legacy.

What is your legacy?

Some of my rules to live by! 

Life life to the fullest
Love with everything you have inside
Don't settle
Don't let people take advantage of you
Speak out for things that are wrong
Take Risks
Find something to be passionate about and do it
Remember that material possessions cannot buy you love or friends
Pay it forward when you can
Be kind to elders (I truly believe this)
Be patient
Don't rush through life...it will be over soon enough. 
Teach your children respect
Don't litter!  (ha ha, had to throw that one in)
Take care of your body
Have respect for yourself

God Bless! 

Oct 2, 2011

Wow! I don't know where the time has gone.   It seems like it wasn't too long ago that Jimmy and I got married. Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary and in true "Schultz" tradition it was a crazy one!

Let me explain.  The day before our wedding Jimmy got sick.  Not just sniffle sick but full blown, strep throat sick!  He made it through the night fine, thanks to alcohol, but after the wedding he was terrible.  Sick, fever, nasty tonsils with white spots.  

Every year since weird stuff has happened around this time, but in the end it has always worked out.  I can say yesterday was no exception.   It began friday, we had a rough start to the day and bickered a bit.   In the evening we noticed that Noah's toe was not doing very well, we're still not 100% on what is going on with it but our Anniversary (saturday) was spent at urgent care with him.   Three hours and two antibiotics later, we were home.  We had to do some foot soaking and medicating with him and then rush to get dressed to try to get out of here on time. 

I let go of my usual inner control freak and let my husband do all of the planning, which was really nice.   My amazing Sister volunteered to do my hair and she did a GREAT job.  We got Noah over to Grandmas house and got to our first stop...Maggiano's Little Italy by South Coast Plaza.  AMAZING! AFFORDABLE! DELICIOUS! Check it out and visit one day if you can... http://www.maggianos.com/en/Pages/home.aspx

Let me explain this restaurant...the restaurant itself is gorgeous.  Very upscale and downright beautiful when you walk in.  The staff are all very polite and very helpful and it smells delicious in there.   We were seated, we ordered the stuffed mushroom appetizer and then decided on the meal for two.  

GREAT bargain for $39.90, you get: 
2 entree salads (or an appetizer)
2 classic pastas (we chose aglio pasta and ravioli)
1 dessert
and...the Piece de resistance...
you choose 2 of the classic pasta dishes to take home.  So we went home with a lasagna and fettucine entree.

I would recommend it to anyone.  

Anyhow, my hubby took me to see the movie I have been dying to see Contagion.  So we ventured over there, it was a good movie but I will say the ending was a bit weird.   Would I watch it again?...probably not.  Am I glad I watched it? yes.  My heart belongs to the movie Outbreak, I think that is one of the best pandemic based movies out there.

Our night was short but full of love.  I think when you become parents, your priorities change.  We were (and still are) worried about our little guys foot.   We hope and pray that it clears up within 10 days.  

Cheers to the adventure that is our life honey!!!  I love you even more today!